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Alien False Light
Art by Jaquamarine

False light is a term used to describe a deceptive or misleading spiritual path away from God and truth.  False light is of the external, whereas true light is within. The false light grid is an energetic overlay set within the 4D plane that mirrors fear and is full of dark inter-dimensional beings and astral energies, also known as the astral plane, a false plane of existance.

The false light grid simulates the higher realms and can mislead inexperienced spiritual adventurers, who can easily fall prey to discordant entities pretending to be dead relatives, Ascended Masters or higher astral beings, but are negative distortions propagating false guidance away from the true path.

We operate within reality. There’s no light without darkness. True light satiates, resonates and feels positive, while false light can appear very seductive to the ego, but hooks us in to siphon life force energy. 

All the nourishment you will ever need comes from within, you cannot buy it, consume it or get it from the external. Be wary of channellers, gurus or gimmicks on the soul journey as almost anything in the external is a distraction and may steer you off your soul’s course.

Know what false light is so you can avoid it

Some new-age therapies can invite entity attachments. Practices such as Reiki, channelling or courses to become psychic or clairvoyant can open up portals to lower dimensional entities that exist within the false light structure that can make life a misery. 

False light can be dangerous as it can lead to infiltration or artificially keep us stuck in the lower astral realms. It can lead us to make poor choices or take actions harmful to ourselves or others. 

If you are considering following a spiritual path, it is important to research and legitimise a path that will lead to your highest good as many New ‘Cage’ Spiritual teachings are another trap to avoid. True spirituality is about meeting the soul within to receive wisdom and develop your authentic nature. As a rule of thumb, beware any teachings that rely upon anything outside of yourself to heal or connect. Always trust your intuition and be willing to walk away from anything that does not feel right.

Get to know your soul/spirit first and learn to connect through the heart, the gateway and translator of the soul. Our spiritual connection is easily hacked and manipulated if we do not approach it with caution, and this is why clearing, spiritual hygiene and discernment are so important.

Many people on the spiritual path feel the need to be led by others, instead of leading themselves.  Always discern when aligning to another’s truth, never give away your power to anyone. Learn to be okay by yourself as the soul journey is a unique solo path of you and your soul. 


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