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Faith & Doubt

Faith is binary, we either have it or we don't. It’s belief without seeing, but in reality, Faith is a spectrum.  We experience faith as confidence, assurance, conviction and trust, but also as doubt, the antithesis of faith.

Faith can get us through difficult situations and help us trust and believe everything will work out for the greater good.  Faith works in the unseen and unknown. We have no way of knowing whether God is real, but most of us trust in a higher power, that we are where we are meant to be, guided on our path and receiving what we need at all times. 

To have faith is to accept there is no certainty or proof we may be wrong. We cannot attach to faith, we can only trust in it.  Faith is to trust something greater than ourselves and can give us hope and courage when facing difficult times.

Faith and doubt are two sides of the same coin. One is an exclamation point, the other a question mark

Believing in God requires the ultimate faith as there is no proof God exists. Trust in a higher power can guide us through our doubts, and eventually, we find our way back to faith. Doubt questions faith and belief. It's natural to want to be sure of something, but in reality, we can never be sure of anything.

Doubt can help us think critically or inform decisions, but doubt is also destructive and can get in the way of taking a leap of faith.  Doubt can stifle and stop progress. It is 100% guaranteed to ruin a manifestation if we let it get in the way.

Doubt helps us prove that faith exists by working side by side in the unknown. Doubt isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it can be a healthy part of faith by helping us look at beliefs or assumptions and grow in our understanding. However, when doubt becomes a paralysing thought, it can prevent us from moving forward in faith.

We will all experience doubt at some point, but if we can cultivate faith, non-attachment and trust, we will be able to move through doubts and grow in faith.


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