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Unity Consciousness 5D Christ Consciousness
Art by Jaquamarine

Explaining Awareness:

Earth has been undergoing an evolutionary conscious acceleration process since 2012, the year predicted as the 'end of civilisation' by the ancient Mayan sect.

While the end of civilisation was overstated, in the last eleven years evolutionary changes have been taking place throughout the solar system, and no more so than on Earth, which is ascending into higher levels of consciousness as part of an epochal transformative process supported by photonic light streams from the Sun and Galactic Centre.

As high levels of light spit out of the sun during this solar maximum phase, seismic and other climate events have ramped up and light is infiltrating into all organic life forms upon earth. The light influx fills at points in our energetic chakra system and naturally begins to raise our vibration and open us up to higher conscious awareness, higher perspectives and perception. Humans are expanding upwards from 3%, to 15-20% in light quota, bringing our 'light body' online.

Homo Sapien is upgrading from carbon to crystalline, becoming Homo Illumos or Human 2.0, as part of this evolutionary act. We are made of light and the divine intelligence within us is expanding to our former twelve strand DNA. The veil is being ripped away from 3D duality (polarity consciousness) to usher in Unity Consciousness.

When we elevate beyond neutrality we naturally draw in higher frequency harmonisation. As part of earth's elevation we are also going through a purification process and having to redress imbalances. Energy has to balance, and so must we. If you need help accessing a neutral perspective, I would love to help you! A new golden age for humanity awaits, if we can stabilise and realise this newly enlightened form.

5D reality is infinite, loving and highly conscious.

By embarking on this evolutionary, organic healing ascension process, we are elevating and remembering who we are and embracing our interconnectedness and unification. Unity, or Christ Consciousness, is attained when we return to wholeness, balance and equilibrium of our hemispheres within.

Align, align, align! This is how we do it!

Awakening to the lies of the 3D matrix is only the beginning of this new evolution. To move beyond the 3D, we need to heal our vessel by releasing karma and density, and let go of everything that hinders our soul's true expression.

Throughout this blog are teachings, guidance and healing exercises that benefited me on my awakening journey. Mining Pluto was created around the question 'What is awakening?' which I cover through the body of work in this blog, in service to others going through awakening. I'm happy to cover any topics or answer any questions you may have around self-healing or the awakening process, or provide further support if you need it, via the contact form on my about page :) thanks Jacqui


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