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Smell the daisies. Experiencing Life from a soul perspective
Art by Jaquamarine

Experience is the teacher of all things and life is the grand experience. It’s totally up to you what you make of it.  Source flows through us so it can experience itself.  We cannot create experience, we undergo it. Life itself has to learn the ropes as nothing becomes real until it’s experienced. There are no instructions, but plenty of pitfalls that no one teaches or prepares us for.  Why is that?

We have to experience life for ourselves, good or bad, and put it down to experience!

We can easily fall prey to a distorted physical experience. There are plenty of false options and narratives out there that can lead us astray. Our minds can create traps that betray us, get snagged in belief systems,  we can misinterpret the signs or find ourselves lost on a detour.

Our thoughts can be delusions and the enemy within.  Our minds are capable of creating disease, horrors and exhaustion, just as easily as they can manifest dreams, desires and wishes.  The mind makes a terrible master, but most people place more importance on the mind than the heart or soul, there is no place for the mind on a soul journey, you cannot decipher your soul’s stirrings through mind logic!

The soul desires to experience fullness. It doesn’t concern itself with logic or paying the bills. Soul longs for a grand adventure, imagination, creativity and daydreams. The soul is always giving clues and prompts as it drives and guides us, but we rarely acknowledge its gentle urges.

Soul wants us out of stagnancy, to stop existing and live life in every moment.  Soul dislikes dull routines, wants to experience new things, to keep on moving. Soul hates being stuck as it drains life force and creates stagnation, which creates a magnet for disease.  When depleted, the soul feels it’s dying. Soul is there to remind us we all die, but we are here to live.

Dance, move, get into nature. Take a risk. Do that thing. Change jobs. Make that call. Be uncomfortable in the unknown. Dare to be different.  Go beyond. Live in the moment and experience it all while you can.


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