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Red flowers
Art by Jaquamarine


Expectations are strong hopes or preconceived ideas that something will play out as we imagine and we will get what we want.

It’s natural to hope for a certain outcome, it is only human. We set our hearts on something and hope to achieve the desired results. However having an expectation may inadvertently ruin a manifestation from being overly attached to it, leading to disappointment when reality doesn’t match with our desires.

Expectations are repellant, push others away and come from a place of desperation

Being attached to an outcome can limit creativity and the ability to think critically. When we focus on an outcome we may overlook other opportunities or possibilities that arise along the way. We never get upset over what happens, we get upset because of preconceived ideas as to what we think should happen, what we want to happen. 

To whatever degree we place our hopes onto something outside of ourselves, is the degree to which we are bound to disappointment.  When we detach from an outcome we allow new ideas or approaches and the potential for greater results than we initially anticipated.

Attachment to anything can lead us to focus on short-term gains rather than long-term success and can cause us to lose sight of what is truly important. Expectations can force us to make shortcuts or decisions that may not be in our best interest. When we’re too focused on an outcome we may miss out on the moments of growth or learning that occur as part of the process. 


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