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Escaping the Matrix Mind
Art by Jaquamarine

Whenever we act fake we feed into the matrix. When you are awakened, you can elevate beyond it.

Every time we react to something outside of ourselves, we feed into the 3D matrix, an artificial inverted cosmic web that separates us from the truth of who we are. We can get trapped in distorted narratives and belief systems just through resonating with them, as resonance is another form of judgment and personalisation which feeds into separation. Being fake or gossiping also feeds into this matrix mindset.

However we can elevate and alchemise ourselves from the matrix by standing in our power and not feeding into others drama, no matter what they do or how much they may trigger us.

The Matrix brings us experiences to trigger our emotional, physical, mental and spiritual body so we can clear our cache of karma or pain. When we operate from neutral as standard, we open up a portal to the quantum field and higher frequencies that transcend the matrix. People who've attained neutrality don’t look for problems or create dramas as they are accountable for their energetic signature and don't create ripples.

A new thought can change history and create new possibilities.

Every blockage within our system is why we’ve incarnated here. We came here to clear our density and to rewrite, and rebalance history. Many who've elevated from the 3D matrix mind, did so by recognising our 'inner robot' automatic responses and learned to surrender in each moment, instead of reacting, chose to respond differently.

We are learning to detach from duality by not judging something as good or bad, but just as experience. When judgment is removed from the equation, we can see all information as neutral and objective without falling prey to a distorted physical experience. Responding differently promotes healing of timelines, a new thought can change history and create new possibilities.

The more relaxed we can be in our interactionswith others, the more we can change our programming and collapse negative and intense patterns of fear. Don't negatively focus on anything, energise to the higher frequency to bring in new energy, anything below neutrality is likely to suck you back down. Aim for neutral and learn to navigate your healing from this place.

We are stepping outside of our dual nature into higher consciousness awareness and ready to leave behind the stories and fractalization we created in order for our soul to experience itself. As part of this process, all of the inversions and distortions of the matrix are collapsing and being released.

Don't be a victim to what ails you!

Below are some psychological terms that may pop up in my posts from time to time. Understanding these terms may help you identify where programmes or conditioning may be running within you, however, it is important to not attach to labels or put yourself in boxes.


An inversion is created when we look at things from an incorrect or opposite perspective. An example of this would be someone who wants to be successful but only focusses on avoiding failure. Inversion can be a useful tool of discernment and reframing a situation as there are always multiple perspectives at play within any situation. However, inversions behave similar to shadow aspects and can be hard to spot. You may be operating an inversion if you have any distorted perspectives.


A distortion can arise when a person experiences a significantly altered or distorted perception of reality from societal programming or childhood incidents. An example of this is where a child needed to make sense of something outside of themselves and created a story. Distortions are often caused or triggered by false perceptions, false beliefs and/or disrupted or disorganised thinking.


A psychological reversal is a subconscious condition of self-sabotage. It plays out as sabotaging yourself just as you are about to succeed. Instead of experiencing positive emotions and situations through self-acceptance, people with psychological reversals experience positive situations as uncomfortable and therefore inadvertently undo them so they can control the outcome.


Natal and post-natal experiences can leave imprints upon the limbic system, causing lifelong effects known as limbic imprinting. The term can also be applied as the human emotional map, deep-seated beliefs and values that are stored in the brain's limbic system and govern people's lives at a subconscious level.


Attachment can be defined as a deep and enduring emotional bond between two people in which each seeks closeness and feels more secure when in the presence of the attachment figure. Attachment is characterized by specific behaviors in children, such as seeking proximity to the attachment figure when upset or threatened. Attachments can also apply to unhealthy people and things. A reminder that all attachments create suffering.


Behaviourism, also known as behavioral psychology, is a theory of learning which states all behaviors are learned through interaction with the environment through a process called conditioning. Thus, behavior is simply a response to environmental stimuli. Behaviour, like anything, can be unlearned.


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