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Entity abstract
Art by Jaquamarine

Entities exist outside of our visibility in the 4D spectrum, a dimension beyond physical reality that we are unable to perceive. The 4th-dimensional realm exists beyond 3D earth, it’s not a physical place, but a state of consciousness, of the mind, and a place we access through meditation; yoga, astral realms and through psychic phenomena.

Without realising, we move across 3D, 4D and 5D realms all the time, depending on our levels of consciousness.  Within the 4D, our awareness is sharpened through pattern recognition and we can unlock suppressed emotions. The 4D is a gateway to higher conscious awareness, within this realm we’re aware of our connection to all that is and understand there is more to life than meets the eye.

It’s important to have good spiritual hygiene and to regularly clear, ground, shield and protect your energetic field. Discernment and good boundaries are also vital, as once we go deeper into our spiritual nature we can attract entities that slow our growth and can keep us stuck in the lower 4D realms.

Spirit guides and ancestors are part of us, they’re not separate.  We’re connected through the oversoul and past, present and future timelines simultaneously.  It's not a linear framework but a multi-dimensional web of nodes containing information across all time and space. All the knowledge and control we seek is available within, we do not need to access it from an ancestor on a past timeline, it’s never wise to cede your power to anything external, entities can easily disguise themselves as ancestors or dead relatives.

Entities don't like happy, positive people and do not thrive in high-frequency environments

A spirit attachment is a subtle and negative energy that can attach to us whenever we seek outside of ourselves or operate in low frequency. Most of the time, people aren't aware they have one, although entity possession is surprisingly common. 

All the answers you seek are within, so go within to gain the knowledge you seek. Be careful if you dabble as a channeller, as in the 4D realm you may open up a door to energy you do not understand that can circumvent your divine wisdom or open you to attack. 

When we become high vibrational, we are protected from entities, but if our energy dips or we do not maintain good spiritual hygiene, we can open ourselves up to possession.  Entities create interference by clinging onto our field and siphoning energy. They're hard to pinpoint but can remain within a host for many years. They infiltrate via depression or anxiety and manifest as voices in the head or by dragging our mood down even lower. 

Being grounded or in nature automatically raises frequency and aligns with the electromagnetic frequencies of the planet.  Always clear your field daily and ensure to place protection whenever you leave home.


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