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Everything is energy at the fundamental level
Art by Jaquamarine

Everything begins with Energy. This is such an expansive subject so I will begin with the important cliff notes for this post.

  • Some energy stays with us through lifetimes and has a tracking device

  • We are consciousness having an experience

  • Energy is felt, you can’t think it   

  • Your body is a printout of your consciousness

  • Life doesn’t happen to you, but through you

  • Energy never dies

  • Energy has to close a loop

  • Energy always seeks to rebalance or close a loop

  • Energy flows where your attention goes

  • You are responsible for your frequency

  • Your physical world is the manifestation of your thoughts

  • Negative energy you put out comes back on you x3

  • Your frequency is a signature, what you give off is what you get back

  • Energy is always present, positive or negative, an equal and opposite reaction

  • To navigate energy ride the wave, never attach to it                     

  • By staying neutral you will find balance, harmony and peace of mind

  • Devil energy is a static energy that creates attachments and negative mindsets. Devil energy feels heavy and can manifest more of the same, just as telling a lie creates more lies. Ensure you clear your energetic field daily to combat negative energy build up.


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