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Distortion is created by our negative experiences
Art by Jaquamarine


Distortion is created by a negative mindset or worldview. It is usually formed by our upbringing or environment and overtime, can become a fixed lens or filter through which we perceive others or experience life.

The brain will always seeks proof of the truth to back up our beliefs or conditioning. If we believe the world is a bad place, our filters will mirror exactly that back to us.

The lenses and filters we create will distort everything we perceive

When we view life from the lens of a victim, we will struggle to see fun or joy in anything and will believe everyone has it better than we do. A distorted lens will filter out everything contrary to it due to any distortion we carry.  Self-pity will ensure we always get a raw deal and will likely push away help or support from others.

A lens distorts our view of the world. A filter of judgment will ensure we struggle with grace and a lens of lack will lead us to feel underserving or impoverished. If we carry rejection wounding, we will view every interaction through a lens of mistrust, believing people want to hurt us in some way. It becomes self-fulfilling.

Take off your distorted lens to reveal what needs to be healed:

What lens or filters do I perceive life through?

Can I exchange an negative perspective with a new, more loving view?

How will life look different for me now?


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