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Mudra crystal ball spiritual paraphernalia
Art by Jaquamarine


Detachment is a conscious action that helps us let go, accept and surrender and helps us isolate where negative and emotional responses sabotage. Detachment teaches us to be objective, in trust rather than in control. 

When we attach to anything outside of ourselves, we can separate from our soul.  Attachment is of the ego mind and the cause of all our suffering. 

Detachment helps us operate in the present moment

Detachment happens naturally as we progress along the spiritual path. It allows us to function without seeking to identify or define ourselves by situations or other people, letting things to be what they are meant to be, doing the right thing for growth, allowing flow and whatever is for us, to come in.

Remove the weight of your expectations. Be in Flow. When we let go of attachments, quantum shifts can come out of nowhere and align us to new energy.

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