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Photo by Jaquamarine

Dark Night of the Soul is a significant episode, a form of spiritual depression that creates a crisis of the psyche to transform the ego away from suffering and toward the soul’s true light.  A dark night episode can feel like a death or void as it challenges the ego, how we perceive the world and our connection to others.

The dark night strips away any misconceptions or artifice we may have carried since childhood, as it no longer suits our soul. It can be a time of great confusion and hopelessness as our understanding is challenged and we are forced to drill down into our psyche to make sense of who we are, and why we are here. 

The soul births purification to the ego, the part that is constantly seeking to protect itself and maintain a sense of identity. The ego is the source of all our suffering as it creates fear, doubt and a sense of separation whenever its safety is challenged. Left unchecked, the ego can spiral out of control and lead us astray, so eventually the soul steps in to recalibrate us toward the destined path.

The dark night opens the door to our healing and is for our highest good

When we undergo a dark night, it may feel like a deep depression we cannot shake off. Things that previously brought joy can feel meaningless, there may be a sense of powerlessness, disconnect, sadness or unworthiness as our world no longer makes sense. 

The Dark Night is best viewed as a rite of passage, a gift that heals by rearranging the internal mind. It can be highly transformative, leading to a new understanding of life, bringing exponential growth, greater depth, awareness and liberation from negative patterning or programming.

We can emerge from the dark night with a new worldview.  Although it’s a difficult time, it is temporary and geared toward our highest good. Surrender, up your self-care routine, free up your diary, don’t over-commit and find ways to be comfortable in the discomfort. 

A dark night is a time to rest, integrate and allow the process to unfold. Take heart, it is always darkest before dawn, but the light always triumphs!

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