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Multi-dimensional realms exist as higher and lower planes beyond the physical 3D plane of existence and associated with elevated consciousness or divine states.

It is not a new concept. Far away lands or dimensions have been referenced throughout fake history, within ancient texts and fairy tales and religion as the Buddhist Planes, Hindu Lokas and Christian Heavenly Realms. But many of these are concepts are hard to grasp from our very limited 3D dual mind perspective. We can only perceive them through the limitation of our five senses, we’ve yet to figure out how to build these new worlds, which happens within.

Multidimensional frameworks are also within, encompassing inner consciousness, our thoughts, emotions, intuition and other layers and dimensions, in the astral plane and expanded consciousness. It challenges us to perceive everything that is happening right now, past, present and future, across multiple layers of time and space in the present moment.

Multidimensionality connects the past, present and future

All your life, from conception to this present moment, informs who you are.  You are not here in isolation as you have been shaped and formed by your family from birth. Your parents were influenced by their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on.

Our family line goes deep into ancestry, like the roots of a tree and it plays the most important role in shaping who you are today. Your ancestors are part of you, they are not separate. They are still operational within your ancestral line energetically, which you can pick up on as memories. Whenever a memory pops up, it has a message for you.

When you connect to your higher self, you can sense into the wholeness of who you are from other timelines. Learn to embrace your multi-dimensional being and ensure you manifest for the highest good, your life will radically improve when you know the truth.

It is only in the present moment that we are tapped into the pure potential of the Quantum Field, which is accessed through the zero point, or neutrality.  Everything is a part of you and you are part of everything, a fractal connected to the whole.

Multi-dimensionality is about perceiving all the possibilities and outcomes and then picking up on the excitement you have created, akin to posting an important announcement on social media and then imagining the many ways it could be perceived by others.  How your message is received has multiple possibilities, this is multi-dimensionality at play. We don’t know how the message will be received as we have zero control once we put it out there. How it will be interpreted is incumbent on the individual and what they are going through, their unique iteration of experience, frequency, scope of reality, and so on.

Don’t attach to anything, abide by the highest good and that will steer your true path and that is what will be returned to you.

Thoughts create. Actions have consequences. What we emit will always seek a match as everything emanates from a single thought.  You are a powerful creator, you get back what you give. Handle this incredible power wisely and clear your shield daily.  We’ve got this when we can own our projections and be neutral in our interactions from non-judgment in awareness we are creating our reality.


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