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Abstract flower pattern
Art by Jaquamarine

Judgment is a low vibrational energy and an indication of being out of alignment as when we judge another, we never see the truth of a situation, we see the truth of ourselves reflected.

Never Judge! Graduate from this behaviour and avoid judgemental people, who tend to pull us into their lower-frequency dramas. Instead, practice being unbiased and neutral in your interactions. Watch your thoughts and remember the adage that any judgment you make points directly back to you!

Judging a person doesn't define who they are, but it says a lot about you

Before you judge, make sure you are perfect! We create quantum entanglement by talking badly of others, so be careful you don't get roped into someone else's drama, or by agreeing for the sake of peace. Disagree, speak up, say ‘I do not think that! I don't agree with you!’ People are judged by their hearts and by their souls. When they make a choice that hurts another, it hurts them too.    

When we are more in tune with our energy, it’s crucial to maintain our frequency and remain free of entanglements. Gossip or enabling bad behaviours won’t work if your soul is urging you to heal. Old energy will always come back to bite you.

What energy do you put out into the world? Everything emanates from you! Negative behaviour patterns keep us stuck in low vibrational energy where we will attract negative experiences.

Don't judge anything; right, wrong, good or bad, black or white.  Judgment creates separation and polarises.  Instead, practice non-judgement, the act of suspending judgment to remain objective in difficult situations.  It is the practice of holding back, not reacting and staying neutral.  It will instantly open you to a higher different perspective when you let go of judgment.                      

When we notice ourselves making a judgment, it’s important to stop and ask ourselves if it is fair or accurate. Whenever you find a judgment arising, turn it around and look at yourself in reflection: Is your vision clear or clouded by what you see? Does what you perceive in another belong to you?

Listening without judgment is another way to practice non-judgement. When someone is sharing their experience or opinion, it’s important to listen without interruption or interjecting your thoughts or opinions. Instead, actively listen and ask clarifying questions to better understand another perspective.

Non-judgement is a flex of running the data of a situation, perceiving both sides in neutral and non-attachment.  It's a superpower that will provide grace and ease to any situation that may otherwise have created drama.

When we are self-aware we understand our own emotions and reactions and how they may influence our perception and judgment of others. Being aware of our judgements and biases can consciously help us minimise the impact of our interactions with others.


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