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Seeds abstract
Art by Jaquamarine


In No Sense. If you keep asking what’s going on, you become subject to your perception. How can you escape your perception? By not needing to know! You don’t need to understand. 

Innocence is how we tap into consciousness. If we want awareness, we need to stop needing to understand, doubting or wanting to know. Information is only useful in the present moment, stop arming yourself with mountains of information you don't need as it creates a barrier to knowing.

Innocence is the holy grail, it’s the ultimate power

When we let go of needing to know, we go into a state of mind called Innocence. It’s a genius state of awareness and a bridge to intuition, connecting across all time and space. It’s a supreme power and the most empowered state of mind.

Knowing it all is guaranteed to create a block to receiving more.  Assumptions are dysfunctional and limiting. Not needing to understand is the opposite of perception. Bridge to your innocence, it is where you find intuition.

Thoughts and feelings are language. Unpacking feelings is the language of perception. Intuition isn’t our regular language yet innocent/intuition is all around.

Life is a labyrinth, there is no map, you will change direction often, but you should never feel lost or confused. A labyrinth is purposely designed to take a long time to get to the centre, encouraging slow, meditative contemplation while navigating the many twists and turns. 


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