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Destination Astrology, I emigrated to Pluto, Locational Astrology
Locational Astrology Chart Astrodienst

I Emigrated To Pluto!

Moving onto a Pluto line can be the ultimate catalyst in personal transformation, creating a deep crisis in the soul which leads to a prolonged death/rebirth cycle that leads toward ultimate transformation and empowerment.

And I should know because I did just that in 2006 when at 41, I emigrated from London to the other side of the world with my young family for the promise of a new life without the stresses and strains of living and working in a busy metropolis.

I knew nothing about astrology at the time, but after having my chart read several years later and enquiring why my life had turned to shit, I was informed that I needed to get the hell out of Dodge for my own safety and sanity! Indeed, living on a Pluto line is really that bad!

I am still doing Pluto 18 years on!

Eighteen years later I am still doing Pluto but it is now my teacher and muse. I learned to embrace its many lessons; from a prolonged Pluto transit squaring my Sun, Venus, Mercury to where it currently sits, opposing my ascendant in Cancer on the aneretic degree, where it will remain for the next few years in my seventh house of relationships. I can attest to the incredible power of Pluto and how it radically transforms and changes everything it touches.

In this blog I pass on the knowledge of what I have learned through the awakening process and as a self-healer. I navigated many life-changing events that transformed and evolved my soul, journalling all the practical guidance, insights and wisdom from living on a personal Pluto line and going through an epic awakening.

I am in no way advocating you move onto a Pluto line and would recommend you don't, unless you are a glutton for punishment. Ultimately there is gold in the deep mines of a Pluto transit, if you are ready to excavate the lessons from you soul.

However, if you are thinking of relocating to a new country, it’s smart to look into your personal astrology chart before you do in order to decipher the energies a potential destination holds.

I recommend astrodeinst or; once you’ve entered your birth date, time and location, under the locational astrology section it will generate a map of the entire world with rainbow lines crossing each country. Each line is linked to a specific planet or celestial body within 700 miles to the left or right of that line, known as the orb of influence. Below is a brief sample of what to expect on each placement.

  • Sun line: our fame and reputation line. It’s how we’re viewed by others. If you're pursuing an acting career and Los Angeles is on your sun line, that would be the most perfect situation.

  • Moon line: The moon represents our feminine nature, our nurturing abilities and our desires. Looking to start a family? Channel the energy of the moon or quite literally take a vacay somewhere on your moon line.

  • Neptune line: This is where our spirituality lies. If you want to connect to the unconscious or explore the mysteries of life, go somewhere on your Neptune line.

  • Venus line: Venus represents love, visual beauty, relationships and affection as well as style and the arts. “It’s the place you’ll look and feel most beautiful,” Ready to find the one? You could meet them on your Venus line.

  • Mars line: Mars is passion and energy in regard to achievement. Opposite the moon, it’s where your masculine, competitive energy lies.

  • Mercury line: Mercury is the planet of communication; it’s where to go to tap into your writing skills if you’re looking to write a novel.

  • Jupiter line: Jupiter is the planet of fortune, blessings and abundance. It’s your good luck charm.

  • Saturn line: The task-master planet is a challenging line that focuses on discipline, order and rules. It may not be fun to live on, but would be great for short term, like choosing where to go to college.

  • Uranus line: Opposite of Saturn, Uranus comes in the form of rebelliousness, surprises and change. Go here for an adventure off the beaten path.

  • Pluto line: Many people fear the Pluto line, because it represents death and rebirth. But it’s also a planet of extreme transformation, so it’s the perfect place to go if you need to shake things up and come out a new person.

  • Chiron line: The asteroid Chiron is the wounded healer. It has a kind and patient energy that helps us help others.

  • North and south nodes: These coordinate with the moon and signify a karmic connection. You might get the feeling of déjà vu or familiarity as if you’ve been there before.


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