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Black flower pattern
Art by Jaquamarine

Healing our wounded and disintegrated parts plays a central role in the ascension journey. It is the process of restoring the inner self back to wholeness and a return to love, our default nature.

The truth of who we are and where we go against ourselves comes to light repeatedly on the ascension timeline and highlights what needs to heal, what is outworn and what needs to go.

We are the change in this story, ascension and karmic clean-up happens through us, in the physical vessel through freeing the soul from its burden and everything that prevents its true light. The parts you avoid are the portal to your next level. By facing our wounding we can let go of heaviness, release stuck density and up-level, creating a space for others to follow. 

In this unfolding story, many people are caught in a loop, carrying around subconscious limiting beliefs, distorted patterns and programming that transmit wounded dynamics, and demagnetise signal that essentially slows manifestation and block progress.  Distortion is where we have gone against God, where we have separated from the truth and where we need to come correct to heal our inner and outer world.

We can never outrun our lessons, they have a tracking device that always catches up.  Processing the things that happened to us must happen.  Some people put off dealing with their emotions for years, sometimes decades, pushing down inconvenient feelings that are too hard to face.  But deconstruction is part of the journey, we have to venture into no man’s land, through the cave, into the long tunnel and endure the dark night to return to light.

Unexpressed energy stays lodged in the system and over time, can lead to pain, disease or disconnect. Disconnect is away from the truth of who we are, and manifests as a distorted view of others and the world we live in.

Make inner change by working from a negative to positive orientation, banish the darkness within by turning your energy towards the light. Healing outworn and distorted aspects is part of the ascension process, the soul ensures healing happens when we are awake to the truth. Dealing with our negative behaviours and destructive patterns is also part of that.

Unconscious aspects have to become conscious, that is how we heal. Everything we feel is a projection of what we have gone through. How far we are out of truth and alignment is the degree we need to heal. Trauma, anxiety, baggage and outdated beliefs that no longer serve the soul will come to light, and if ignored, will only lead to unhappiness or disease.

Inner work is about integration, not transcendence

When we start healing, it gains a life of its own and becomes exponential. Healing is a process of erosion, stripping away old identity in layers like water eroding a rock. It is a gentle process, led by the soul that seeks to empty the vessel of outworn aspects and return to love and balance. 

Healing unfolds over time, the soul leads and decides when. Don’t force it or compare your journey to others.  It can be disorientating to find safety in the body, but when we do the work, traumas, beliefs, emotional reactions and old identities will eventually dissolve or fall away.

There are many things that you can do to align your body and stimulate the natural healing process, just by adopting a daily routine or using simple coping strategies to overcome mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety and trauma.

Being centred and grounded is an excellent practice for living in uncertain times. When we are in strength and resilience, we can handle wild energies with ease and avoid being battered around. Healing requires us to feel pain, not feed it or bypass it.  Practices such as meditation, stretching and massage have been shown to reduce cortisol levels and promote relaxation.

Healing requires an internal focus as we live our lives from the inside out. Looking at your thoughts, beliefs and stories can start the ball rolling, it is all within.

We can do a great deal to reprogram the body, from positive self-talk or affirmations before we get out of bed each day, to setting our frequency at high or being kind and compassionate to ourselves when we’re feeling low.

The healing process is similar to defragmenting a computer; by uninstalling old, heavy or corrupted files, we create more space for the light to come into our operating system. Healing is a reflection of each person's journey and their willingness to embrace the process. It is not a linear path where you move from A to B. The soul’s spiral path will take you through a series of ups and downs, backtracking and processing to achieve new levels of awareness. Sometimes it will feel like you’ve taken a step forward and then two steps back, but with each loop, you will gain new insights and build resilience. 

Healing is a constant process that takes time, effort, patience and a willingness to release and correct. It requires a deep commitment toward personal growth, finding tolerance, leaning in to get past any resistance, then letting go.

There is no universal one-size-fits-all approach, it’s up to you how you approach your healing. Find what works for you and gently push through the pain and resistance a little at a time and set the intention to release what is outgrown or no longer serves you.

We cannot transcend or shortcut healing, at some point, we all have to face ourselves and become accountable for what we have created. Your soul will guide you throughout, leading you to a sense of wholeness and well-being that is well worth the effort and time you invest in the process. For more How Tos and journal exercises on self-healing, check out the free content on my website


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