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Ammeter Neutral Zero Point
Art by Jaquamarine

Neutrality brings stillness and peace to the monkey mind and restores balance to our body through alignment to a powerful portal within our energetic field.

The 'Zero Point' field is God's resonance; a portal where we achieve calm, balance and neutrality. It's a sweet spot where Mind, Body and Soul energetics align.        

We can align to this portal by practising neutrality, a state of awareness that is calm, peaceful, compassionate and loving. This state impacts our thoughts brings acceptance and non-judgment to our interactions and protects us from being manipulated and influenced.

It takes a bit of practice, but when we anchor into neutrality, good things happen and we can elevate on our path. Alignment to the quantum field promotes healing and lifts us into higher conscious awareness. 

Learn to find neutral in the middle of polarity by remaining calm and avoiding swings into positive or negative, as there is distortion on either side that will require you to rebalance.

When we operate at neutral, we elevate to higher frequencies with ease. Anything lower than neutral can easily pull us down

Practising neutrality is a powerful advantage when navigating the world.  Most people live in their heads and let their thoughts and emotions run the show.  But to heal, we need to get out of our heads and into neutrality, where we can shift into a beautiful space of flow, a state where we are in control of our emotions and operating from grace and effortlessness.

You can reach neutrality by mastering your emotions into balance and alignment. Visualise neutral as twelve on a clock, with positive emotions set at nine and negative emotions at three, either side of neutral. Bring yourself to neutral and observe how often your emotions swing one way or another, positive or negative.  You will quickly see how your emotions swing you out of alignment, and whether positive or negative, you will need to return to alignment and balance after each swing. Once you get the hang of this, aim to anchor in at neutral and set it as a default.

As you lift in consciousness, you feel inwardly strengthened in spirit and life force. Visualise returning to 12 or noon whenever your emotions swing wildly.  Imagine your power centre locking in to neutral and aim to bring any negative or positive emotions into calm and balance.

Being in divine neutrality is like sitting on the Eagle's perch, in a space of presence and observance.  Letting emotions roam wild and free keeps us tethered to the mind, we will never reach a place of balance from there.  Surrender and detach from your emotions to achieve this.


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