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Flower pattern
Art by Jaquamarine

Control is an illusion. You can only control yourself, not other people, or the world around you. It is a hard truth to accept, but when you seek to control things beyond your sphere, you will end up feeling frustrated, and disappointed and ultimately block what is meant for you. 

Let everything go and accept there is no control beyond you.  You can control your thoughts, feelings and actions and can choose whether to respond, react or accept.  How you are, and how you operate is a positive use of personal control, it's always your choice.

When you seek to inflict control upon others, you curtail or siphon their life force energy through manipulation and your conditional behaviour.

Control is manipulation; it repels others and damages you

Letting go of control isn't easy, but it isn't your place to step in, take charge, or tell others what to do. People have to learn for themselves, it is arrogant to assume you know what is best.

If you practice detachment, you can relax into the flow of life, let go of control, be more present and open up to pure potential.  Accepting that you can only control yourself is liberating. When you let go of the need to control and detach, you can bring balance and flow into your life and open up to what is meant for you.


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