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White anenome
Art by Jaquamarine

Compassion and empathy promote positive social interactions, strong relationships and social responsibility. Compassion is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, while empathy refers to the capacity to emotionally feel what others are experiencing. These two traits promote positive social interaction and foster a supportive and caring environment. 

Compassion allows us to connect to others on a deeper level by acknowledging emotions and validating feelings. In doing so, we create a space for open communication and understanding.  When we practice compassion, we hold space for others but remain anchored to our frequency, retaining a neutral perspective.

Compassion and Empathy have numerous benefits for individuals and society as a whole

When we are empathetic, we recognise another’s struggle by matching to their vibration to feel their emotions. Empaths learn to understand another through replicating the emotions they are feeling, so they’re less likely to judge and are more accepting of differences because they’ve matched to another’s vibration.

Empathy is a 4D entry-level ascension symptom. It is not of benefit to stay in this realm nor hook into the energetic field of others, so practice self-love and avoid getting involved in another’s journey.  Sensitives and empaths need to guard their energy against being siphoned or dragged down in vibration, as they may struggle to rebalance after absorbing lower vibrational emotions.

The higher we go in frequency, there’s a greater need to protect our energy from anything outside of us, and that may include the people closest to us.


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