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Comparison is the theft of joy
Art by Jaquamarine

Comparison is a destructive and meaningless pursuit that leads to frustration and unfulfilment if we choose to partake in it.

Comparison is linked to ego and judgment, a construct of 3D conditioning that stems from a need to feel superior or special by creating a false sense of separation or competition with others that evokes feelings of jealousy, inadequacy, insecurity and dissatisfaction with life.

Jealously is the offspring of comparison; there will always be someone or something that gives us cause to feel unworthy or bad if we seek outside of ourselves. When we stop comparing, we also stop feeling jealous of others.

Comparison stops us from feeling joy

Comparison is a projection, an illusion that stops a person from blossoming, reaching their full potential or being authentic.  Comparison robs us of our essence and lowers our vibration, creating only frustration and futility for ourselves. When we seek to imitate or be like another, we take on an inferior belief that the other is superior or better than us.

Comparison is irrelevant at a soul level. Everyone is an individual, every soul is unique and follows its own path. Comparing to another creates an impossible situation.

Instead of taking on feelings that create envy or dissatisfaction, evaluate why you feel the need to compare yourself to others. What is the lesson and what can you take away from it? Give compassion to yourself if you are not at your goal yet.

Don’t judge, instead find self-acceptance and allow others to inspire, surprise and motivate you. When we compare to another, good or bad, we create a limited perception and project only what we want to see.

Trying to be like another will only deplete your soul essence. The Universe doesn’t reward pretence, it wants you to individuate.

Comparison is only valuable as inspiration toward self and personal growth. Use it to become more compassionate about your evolution through self-reflection, learning from your mistakes and embracing personal transformation.


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