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Yellow Flowers
Art by Jaquamarine

When I emigrated to New Zealand, it felt as if I had stepped in to another dimension. Nothing resonated as I had energetically ejected myself out of my old life with no connection to the new one.

Moving to the other side of the world, sight unseen, had transported me to a different timeline for which I was completely unprepared, and left me feeling like a fish out of water. The locals may have looked and sounded the same as my native London, yet I struggled to connect and understand them, and they me.

In the first few months of navigating the new life, my core abandonment wound was activated and manifesting as alienation, a new interpretation of old wounding I'd yet to experience. It left me feeling disconnected, discombobulated and unable to identity with my new surrounds. I was ungrounded and felt floaty, unable to anchor myself, or integrate the new changes.

If my story resonates, it's because it has a parallel to what many of you are grappling with currently. Making sense of the last few year's craziness has been ungrounding, triggering and disorienting for every one of us. In the external, the new paradigm wants to pit us apart through fear tactics and manufactured division, but instead it's forcing us to face ourselves, find the truth within and appreciate each other more. We have no choice but to ground into this new reality and accept there's no going back to the old ways.

After my own disorientation phase of settling in to my new life, my soul eventually led me to the philosophical idea of the Noble Eight-Fold Path, a Buddhist practice that adopts a neutral 'middle way' to healing, utilising a simple approach around 'correction' of the self.

Its eight tenets are Right Understanding, Right Intent, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration. Healing is about correcting our internal distortions and regaining balance. This is being reflected in the external world as our structures and operating systems are exposed for corruption, greed and malpractice and undergoing a collapse in order to rebalance.

Buddhists believe practicing the eightfold path can lead to liberation from Samsara, the pain of rebirth, that we are each experiencing in our own unique way right now. It's concept proved useful for me when I was new to healing, and helped me develop my own practice around correction, which deeply resonated with me.

Waking up shines a light on where we have become misaligned, inverted or distorted. The only way is into the light, correcting or removing out-worn aspects, honour our spirit and correct internal imbalances through healing of self.

Throughout my blog are the keys and codes to a soul's liberation and some caveats to bear in mind. In the main, the keys and codes of healing are about correction of self through adopting new behaviours and hacking the mind, which works against the soul. By adopting a set of values such as finding acceptance and being in non-judgment, we ultimately correct distortions and reset our internal 'scale'.

When you open yourself up to healing, your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual body undergoes a beautiful process of releasing; of unexpressed pain, trauma, karma, false identities and brings freedom from the mental mind jail. It's not an overnight fix and healing is not for everyone, but for those that doing the work, they'll agree it is the single most rewarding pursuit we can do for self.

Returning to wholeness through healing ourselves is this lifetime's goal for the majority of us; we are not truly awake or free until we achieve this. When we look to the external world we are witnessing the results of a broken down system that has forsaken morality but the external is just a reflection of where humanity is at, as within, so without.

We are each responsible for what we create and eventually we have to clear up our mess and become accountable for our part. So come correct or not at all, everything you need to rebalance and heal is within.


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