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Mirror spiky entity
Art by Jaquamarine

Clearing the energetic field daily is a crucial step in spiritual hygiene.  Also known as the aura, the energetic field is the subtle energy that surrounds the physical body which can become clogged from negative energy and siphoning entities over time, especially if you are feeling out of sorts, functioning at a lower frequency or surrounded by low-vibrational people.

Negative energy thought forms or entities can lead us to feel physical or emotional distress, low mood, anxiety, looping or depression that can keep us down in the dumps for extended periods if we don’t maintain good spiritual hygiene and cleanse our energy regularly.

A daily habit of clearing the energetic field prevents negative energy build-up

Almost all energy is attached to an illusion, and therefore it can be easily cleared.  Operating from a high frequency is beneficial for our spiritual health as we cannot clear mind perceptions from the same state they were created in. 

  • Meditation or sitting in quiet reflection daily can help clear our field. Sit quietly and focus on your breath. Visualise any negative energy leaving the body as you exhale and let positive energy fill your body as you inhale.

  • Smudging is a traditional native American practice that involves burning sage, palo santo or other herbs to cleanse the air. Light the sage and use a feather or your hands to disperse the smoke around your body, paying particular attention to your head, heart and feet.

  • Positive Affirmations are a good way to counter any negative beliefs you may have accumulated.  Always talk kindly to yourself, the power of kind words can work wonders.

  • Bathing in Epsom salts can help release negative energy. Epsom salt contains magnesium, which helps relax muscles and release toxins.  Add a few drops of essential oil and a few teaspoons of baking soda to your bath and soak for at least 20 minutes. If you don’t have a bath, set an intention when you shower to clean away stale energy. Visualise your field being purified and any negative energy being washed away.

  • Walking in nature helps us connect to the earth's grounding energy and rebalance our body’s electrical energy. Barefoot is best.

  • Energy healing through a practitioner can help clear any negative entities you may have picked up. Practitioners may use several different techniques to remove stuck energy and restore balance to your field.

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