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Pink Flowers
Art by Jaquamarine

Clair senses or ESP (extra sensory perception) are psychic gifts linked to our intuition and psychic ability.  These gifts are coming online for many awakeners and can be developed if you are willing to put in the effort. 

Clair senses are heightened non-physical gifts that correspond to our senses, known as clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairsentience (clear feeling), Clairgustance (clear tasting), clairintelleect (clear thinking), claircognizance (clear knowing), clairempathy (clear emotions), clairTangency (clear touching) and clairallience (clear smelling). 

Do you have a strong gut feeling when you encounter strangers, or when making decisions? Do you ever feel like you can sense someone’s presence before they enter a room, or think about someone before you receive a message from them? Do you sometimes get an ominous feeling before embarking upon something new? This is a sure sign of the Clair senses at work.

Most people have one or two gifts

To tune into your clair senses, tune out any distractions and create a calm, clear space for yourself. Be still, become the observer and feel inward. Meditation, quiet reflection and mindfulness can help you quieten your mind and enhance your intuitive ability.

It's unusual to have a full spectrum of psychic gifts, it's more likely that one or two will be dominant as we all connect to spirit differently.  The secret is to not doubt, be in fear, or put up any blocks, as that is one sure way to keep our gifts at bay.

Psychic gifts can be received in whispers, through symbols and images, foreboding, knowing, feeling in our gut, or as unusual smells that seem out of place.  It’s helpful to keep a journal to note down any intuitive experiences or insights you may have, as this can help you track your progress and sharpen your skills over time. Clair senses, like intuition, are often subtle, not always discernible, and can take time to develop, so be patient with yourself.


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