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Change Your Behaviour

If you are new to spirituality or the awakening journey, you are no doubt puzzled where to begin. I am here to guide you and impart the wisdom I received on my own journey, which started in 2006 when I emigrated to New Zealand.

I advise you to steer clear of the New 'Cage' spirituality trap, as it is full of detours, fakes, false teachings and a vast array of confusing information, fancy tools and expensive healing modalities that can be trial and error to navigate as a newbie.

The soul journey is an inner journey, no gimmicks are required. You do not need to pay for expensive healing sessions, become a yogi or have an arsenal of crystals to heal yourself. You can do it all without any outlay.

I have learned the hard way that much of what is on offer to assist your healing can be misleading, outright confusing or a waste of time, money and energy! Spirituality is no different to anything else, in fact much of it is entrenched in false light or misdirection that can lead you away from the path if you are unable to discern or rely on your intuition.

Your purpose on earth is to ascend in spiritual consciousness until you transcend everything that holds you back.

Discernment is crucial every step of the way, as not everything 'spiritual' is benevolent or for your highest good. The soul path is illogical, so applying the mind to understand your soul's calling will only create confusion.

Cultivate a relationship with you and self, and when you are ready, spirit will show up and lead you to where you are already going. There are always opportunities to level up on the spiritual journey, to attain spiritual excellence and integrity that aligns with the highest aspects.

I have pondered over what advice I would impart to someone new to the spiritual journey and have listed below some of the key behaviours, that once adopted, will defrag your matrix mind, and in turn will raise your vibration and help you to see yourself more clearly.

I will explain in more depth as this blog progresses. I encourage you to become the observer of your own actions as you take your first steps toward raising your consciousness and healing your soul, and recommend you adopt the following behaviours as a template for your healing

  • Get to know your soul

  • Connect with your heart

  • Become the observer

  • Lose all judgment of self and other

  • Use discernment every step of the way

  • Never complain or talk of pain

  • Be present and go with the flow

  • Don't take things personally

  • Watch your words

  • Drop expectations and accept things for what they are

  • Be in the Now moment

And lastly, write it all down. The healing journey is a spiral, and you will go through similar themes throughout your soul's evolution that take you back to. (check out the free 888 Master Teachings, link on the home page, if you want to understand more on the behaviours listed above).


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