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Chakras and Reiki
Art by Jaquamarine

Chakras and Reiki Healing

Chakras are an energetic overlay to the etheric body said to operate within an inner stargate system through a series of spinning disks or vortices that align us across all space and time within the holographic creation and connect us to lives on other timelines.

Chakras are an abstract, esoteric idea that connects invisible spinning wheels to the glands and nervous system within the subtle body (psychological, emotional, mind, non-physical energetic body).

The subtle body connects through psychic energy of the chakras and creates an energetic flow throughout the body. These invisible wheels ultimately guide our feelings and contribute to our overall spiritual health.

Reiki was developed in the 1920s by Mikao Usui in Japan, rediscovered from an ancient healing method that passed through India, Tibet, China and Japan, and latterly, an attempt to recreate the healing miracles utilised by Jesus and Buddha.

In his improbable narrative, Doctor Usui went up a mountain to ponder Reiki.  He claimed he experienced a ‘Moses’ moment when Sanskrit symbols miraculously appeared, vibrating golden letters in front of his incredulous eyes!  On his way down the mountain, Usui stubbed his toe but he stemmed the bleeding and perceived he could now magically heal others through these magic symbols!   

The Reiki narrative reads like false doctrine and aligns with the new-age ideology that separates us from our innate ability to heal ourselves. I am sceptical that life force energy is supported by Reiki, it may have been effective initially, but Reiki technology, like many other healing modalities, has been infested by false light which can taint the spiritual system and bring a host of entities, especially if the healer is in low frequency, has entities or doesn’t possess good spiritual hygiene.

False light is anything outside of us.  True light and God's essence are within. Healing is an inside job, there is no greater power than the spark of God within us. I am suspicious of Reiki and any miraculous, external source that relies on symbology to heal.

Chakras may have a purpose, but there is no scientific evidence they even exist!

Chakras were first referenced in ancient Sanskrit texts as meditative visualisations, or physical entities that can manipulate the flow of energy. Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society promoted Reiki and the chakra system as part of pseudo-New Age ideology, an alternative spiritual path away from Source/God.

It’s important to question everything and use discernment.  I may be wrong about Reiki, but have yet to see compelling evidence that it heals, although it may bring some temporary relief.  So much is unknown and unseen in the spiritual realms, and not everything out there is for our highest good. Spiritual nourishment is within, never rely on anything outside of you.

The more I understand energy, the more I question the idea that energy is compartmentalised. Energy flows through our body from a toroidal field that aligns etherically to the spinal column and all that is. Energy moves and flows in cycles and must always find balance and close any loops.

Energy healing can inform where we are imbalanced. It's my belief Reiki bypasses true healing of the whole. Chakras may well be an entity overlay that simulates through subtle programming, but don't take my word for it, trust your gut.

Many new-age therapies can provide a temporary fix but they can also bypass or detract from the real job of healing and what is right for you. Always discern before aligning to anything outside of yourself. It’s not possible to transcend healing but we can release pain in our body and find balance through acceptance and acknowledgment, using intuitive stretch, breath, somatic practice and movement to help shift stuck energy and release pain.

We heal the whole by changing our thoughts and the words we use, correcting inversions and addressing our beliefs and behaviour, not by placing trust in external false light whimsy or magical symbols of unknown origin. Don’t be deceived, always use your discernment!


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