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Purple flowers
Art by Jaquamarine

Boundaries are limits we set for ourselves to protect our time, energy and emotions. Boundaries help us assert ourselves by saying no to things that we don't want to do, and protect us from people who are toxic or drain our energy.

Boundaries act as external protection. When we don't have strong boundaries, we can become overwhelmed, stressed or exhausted, and may find ourselves feeling scattered, resentful or angry from our interactions.  When we lack boundaries we can give away too much of ourselves energetically from not taking care of our own needs first.

When we have good boundaries, we're less likely to feel drained from everyday interactions or be taken advantage of.  When we're not constantly giving of ourselves, we have more energy to focus on things that matter.

Good boundaries send out a message that you value yourself and that your needs matter

Boundaries help increase self-esteem and self-confidence.  Never feel bad about having boundaries as your energy should be protected at all costs. Be assertive and communicate your needs clearly and directly.  When we have clear boundaries, we are not afraid to stand up for ourselves or say no.

Boundaries are not to tell people how to act towards you, boundaries are for you to uphold within yourself, they are a promise you make to yourself that your needs come first. When you're willing to enforce your boundaries, you're sending a message to others that you're serious about taking care of yourself.


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