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Flower pattern
Art by Jaquamarine

Beliefs shape our worldview, values and actions, but never assume the beliefs you carry are yours or even serve you!  Delve deeper into what you truly believe and you'll realise that some beliefs don’t belong to you or hold up to scrutiny.

Beliefs are ideas we hold to be true, adopted by ego and implanted through upbringing and from the emotional stories we created as children. Beliefs can be about the existence of God, the best way to live our lives or based on evidence, faith, passed down the ancestral line, familial or shaped by society. 

Beliefs and fear are closely connected. Our beliefs about the world shape our fears, which in turn reinforce our beliefs. It is impossible to have a belief that doesn't reflect our actions. Beliefs can create fears that aren't even based on reality, actions are proof we believe.

Challenge your beliefs to overcome your fears 

If you’re afraid of something, you believe it’s more dangerous than it is or give it more power than it warrants.  Most people don't want the truth, they just want constant reassurance of what they believe in. We may start to avoid things that reinforce our beliefs or stoke our fears, but if we dig a little deeper into their origin, we can free ourselves from any irrational fears we may carry. 

Don’t assume everyone shares your beliefs, especially if you're surrounded by people who think like you, as people rarely believe in the same thing.  Everyone has the right to their views and beliefs which we should respect, even if we don't agree with them. 

Affirm what you believe in but if it doesn't serve you, collapse it!  We can change our beliefs at a subconscious level by mentally rejecting and deleting them. When we challenge our assumptions around beliefs, we can open ourselves to new possibilities and reframe what it is that we believe in and discard whatever has held us back. 


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