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Healing is an inside job

Self reflection is an important tool to get to know your soul. Take a moment every day to examine your thoughts, feelings and actions. By doing this regularly, you can get a clear understanding of your values and principles, which are often a reflection of your soul. Take some time each day to reflect on your experiences and see what you learn about yourself.

Meditation or practicing stillness helps us connect with our divine essence. Take a few minutes each day to quieten the noise of the mind, be still and focus on the present moment. Meditation can help some people access a deeper level of consciousness but it isn't vital to meditate to gain a better understanding of the inner self.

Personally, I prefer to sit quietly for a few minutes at different intervals throughout the day and focus on the nature outside my window. The more I sit in peace, the more connection I feel to my soul. I find meditation difficult as I spent to much time trying to quieten my monkey mind, when it is my soul I want to connect to. Whatever works for you is fine, but make the time to be still and know.

Take time each day to connect within

Gratitude is another powerful tool that speaks directly to the soul. By focusing on the things we are grateful for, we are acknowledging the goodness in our life. This helps us see the world from a positive perspective and can help us stay in touch with our soul’s purpose.

Being in nature is a great way to connect with your true essence. Whether its taking a walk in the park, hiking in the mountains, or sitting by the ocean, being in nature helps us feel connected to something bigger than ourselves. By appreciating the beauty and wonder of the world we are reminded of our own unique place in it.

Journaling is a great way to understand our true selves. By expressing thoughts and feelings on paper we can gain a deeper understanding of who we are. We can also use journaling to explore our values, goals and dreams to gain further insight into our soul’s purpose.

Make the time to tune in by taking a few minutes out from daily routine. You will find inspiring thoughts or awaited answers can come out of the blue, and that is the soul speaking directly to you!


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