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Healing, Awakening, Simulation, Circus, Stage, Clown Show graphic
Awakening by Jaquamarine

A spiritual awakening is a journey of purification that happens from the inside out, sparked by a profound shift in consciousness that brings greater perception and understanding of the interconnected nature of all things. Once we awaken to our divine nature, our soul is activated and we are reborn and enlivened by the process. 

There is no default experience or typical way to awaken. Whatever happens in your unique experience, it will trigger an expansion of conscious awareness and light infiltration that starts off the ascension process and forces density to shift internally, creating deep changes within the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual body that will eventually lead to your true nature and reality. 

Awakening comes with a shift in consciousness that can be challenging as the logical mind assesses. It can lead to feelings of confusion, loss and not knowing who you are anymore. The ego is tied to self and identity and resists change, leading to inner conflict and turmoil. Ego takes a backseat to the soul, who is driving these changes. Suspend judgment of what you think you know, and enjoy the opportunity to get real with yourself, as once awakened, you will perceive the world differently.

There’s much more to awakening than witnessing the dismantling of archaic systems and seeing beyond the smokescreens.  Awakening is about becoming fully aware of our part in the story and how our words and actions create waves that impact everything around us, for good or bad.

What was taken for granted before you awakened is turned on its head. You will have an awareness that nothing makes sense or resonates any longer. You may question who you are and why you are here. People may leave your life, situations change or fall away suddenly, or your world may feel rocked or turned upside down.  Remember you came here to grow and take part in humanity’s expansion, your soul is ready to gently guide you through the process, there is nothing to fear. 

Awakening breaks us out of the illusion

Awakening is a non-linear journey of the soul that leads to profound self-discovery, growth and transformation. There are many levels to awakening, from realising lies, political manipulation to understanding our full infinite expression of all that is and how we experience reality.

Full awakening can take many years and involve several defining events. Some people awaken to profound trauma in their body which has to be sifted through and healed, others become aware of the corruption and lies in society or where they have created false identities to hide away from their true selves.

However you awaken, your soul will direct you to what needs to heal, correct or rebalance. Awakening is an alchemical process that shines a spotlight on our darkest recesses to strip away and clear anything out of alignment with the soul. Compassion for yourself and others is vital, forgive your old self for not knowing better and learn to flow with the many changes it brings.

Awakening can be very activating as everything you have known before gets flipped. You may wish to quit your job, desire a lifestyle change, or no longer resonate with what used to bring you joy.

Your body may go through a set of physical changes, from sleepless nights, chakra activations or heart expansion as the ascension process kicks in. Whatever happens internally, you will yearn for peace, quiet, rest and alone time to process the many changes you are going through.

Awakening is an inside job, no one else can influence our soul journey. The biggest deception is to place power outside of the self. Awakening is a user-created experience, and once awakened, you will be stronger, less burdened by fears and no longer fall into the traps of the mind.


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