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Avoid false light healing traps
Art by Jaquamarine

I'm prompted to write about the False Light again after being bombarded by promotions for Reiki Mastership, Meditation and Arcturian Light Healing courses on social media today. This blog post is going to trigger some, but it's well meant as a warning to use your discernment and do the research before embarking on activity that works with energy.

From the volume of interest in the comments, there was a clear sign the mass wave has arrived, that people are finally awakening and want to find solutions for their pain and healing.

So today's blog is a timely reminder to be aware of misplacing your energy to anything external. Healing is an inside job, you don't need anything outside of yourself. Don't be seduced by the promise, check in with yourself before you give away your power! Learn what icky energy is and discern if something resonates with or not.

New Age Spirituality is not all Love and Light, so there is good reason to do your research and be cautious around expensive programmes that promise to heal or bring enlightenment, and that includes choosing the right teachers .

Don't be blinded by the false light!

The False Light Grid is a corrupted energy in the lower astral realm, known as the 4th dimension. False light is a fake layer that mirrors the cosmos, but it is a corrupted field masquerading as source energy and full of low level vampiric entities.

Unfortunately, spirituality, like everything else on this planet, has been corrupted, infiltrated or not what it appears to be. For spiritual initiates, always discern whether a healer and teacher connects with you before handing over your precious life force, as an unhealed practitioner cannot heal you.

There are plenty of spiritual activities and healing modalities corrupted or infiltrated by false light, although don't let that stop you from trying them out, just ensure you discern, protect your field and guard against who you give your power to.

Below I briefly discuss three of the most popular: Yoga, Meditation and Reiki.


Yoga is a cult that has long been hijacked by the new age, its literal meaning is 'to be yoked' or unified, but to what? You may well ask who, I don't have the answers, but it pays to be discerning when your soul is involved. There are no saviours outside of ourselves, remember that!

Yoga poses can open the vessel to low level demonic entities, if you are operating from a low frequency, you are more likely to be an open door to entity possession. Yoga can be a black hole for entities, infusing a loosh/lifeforce energy that can be harvested if the vessel is addicted or in low frequency. The deities invoked in yoga poses such as Shakti, Shiva et al, are negative entity demons. Kundalini is a serpent energy that can possess our body and bring on suicidal thoughts, depression and other bad side effects.

When we awaken to our soul, it is an inward journey, nothing else is required. Connecting to anything outside of ourself defeats the entire purpose. Even if it feels like it is a bit of fun and you are getting something from it, practicing spiritual hygiene is a must!


Unless we intend to go within and commune with our soul, meditation can be a pathway to possession. When we go inwards we are safe, but if we try to connect externally to angels, ascended masters, and other fake New Age deities, we run the risk of opening ourselves to interference from imposter beings. Who is God in the Matrix? Can you be sure you are not connecting with inter dimensional entities or being siphoned?

Meditation can't bypass the heavy work of healing. Meditating can be a form of escapism, quieting the mind and opting out of reality, it does not heal us. Through connecting to our 'higher self' we can inadvertently pick up thoughts or signals from others, or attach to discarnate entities or programmed social mass hypnosis. There is no transcending healing, we each have to do the heavy shadow work and the hard yards.

Meditation itself may not be evil, but it can be a pathway to possession if you are connecting to the false light grid instead of the higher realms or divine essence within. Dark forces on this planet have deliberately corrupted a lot of new age spirituality, to steer devotees off the path and into confusion. The dark does not want us to succeed or rise in consciousness. There are many traps, wise up to them! When we empty our vessel as an act of meditation, we can be opening the door for entities to enter. Be warned!


Reiki energy is healing modality that operates using symbols that over time have become tainted by false white light. It may feel good after a session, but within a few hours you can crash back down again as some Reiki has become infected by false light and from unhealed practitioners, infiltrated by dark energies from working in the corrupted lower astral realms.

Energy is not compartmentalised to just the chakras, that is not how energy works, it's illogical to think otherwise. The Chakra system is an etheric implant that simulates us and acts as the body's main entry point for entity possession. We don't need Reiki to heal, it is a step away from You and Your Soul, and working with your own divine energy. You'll have better results from setting the intention to clear any blockages through your own soul essence, connecting to the God aspect within.

Anytime we connect to something outside of ourselves, we open ourself up to entity possession. If you get enjoyment from any of the activities mentioned, be smart and discern whether you are receiving the benefits. Personally I found all three to be a drain on my energy and pocket, I have received better results from connecting to spirit in stillness, stretch, and working with my own energy, as I get better results, can clear my own blocks and increase my energy levels that way.

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