Authenticity is being in truth, integrity, openness and showing our true self to the world. Being authentic is naturally appealing to others and appears effortless in a world full of imitations.
Authenticity gets authentic back, being neutral is the key. Authentic vibrates higher than love and unlocks a level of ultimate experience. We are authentic when we feel good about ourselves, lack artifice or false layers of identity and feel secure and comfortable in our being.
Be yourself as everyone else is taken
An authentic person does not need pretension, or desire to fit in or be like anyone else as their inner compass is set at real and their demeanour is truthful. Because of this, they come across as genuine, honest and comfortable in their skin, regardless of what, or who, they are interacting with.
Authenticity is birthed from solitude and unboxing of self, warts and all. When we know ourselves, we become unafraid to show our vulnerability or express weakness because accountability, acceptance and nourishment are found in the fullness and truth of one’s self, not from seeking externally.
Authentic people are consistent. There is no hypocrisy or deception, their inside and outside worlds align and they know they are good enough and unafraid to be real.
Being authentic is about embracing all aspects, loving flaws and tempering any imperfections. An authentic person isn’t perfect, they’re compassionate, honest and open-hearted to self and have learned their emotions and needs, allowing for a deeper connection with self and embodying the truth of their I AM Presence.