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Never Assume, it makes and ass out of u and me
Art by Jaquamarine

Assumptions happen when we misread a situation. Whenever we assume, we form an opinion or story, instead of accepting a situation at face value, for what it is.

To assume departs from the truth. It is a form of judgment, dualistic and will likely reflect back our own poor judgment or damage our credibility with others.

Assumptions add two and two together to make 5. They’re imagined miscalculations from ego that create negative energy. They usually backfire on the perpetuator as our negative actions come back on us and almost all assumptions are imagined through the negative lens of a worst-case scenario.

Whenever we pre-judge anything, we don’t see the truth of it, we project ourselves and our unexamined beliefs onto the situation without proof. It comes from unfettered ego and is guess work at play!

We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are!

Assumptions make an ASS out of U and ME.  They fuel rumours and gossip, can create confusion or resentment, and whenever we assume we know, we are unable to perceive the higher truth, likely to get it wrong or neglect something important.

When we assume, we may not see the full scope of potential because of pre-judging rather than seeing from the neutral perspective. Whenever we assume what might happen, we manifest from a lower timeline instead of trusting in the highest good. 

Practice acceptance and allowing and learn to trust instead of jumping to conclusions. Never assume to know what another person is going through, it is none of your business.

We each perceive the world through the unique lens of our conditioning, beliefs and life experiences etc. It’s important to remember that within any situation, there are multiple unknown possibilities at play outside of our awareness, we can never be sure about anything.


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