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Ascension is an evolution of the soul, a spiral path of healing progression that reveals our true light once the many layers of trauma, heaviness and burden are acknowledged and healed. Soul dictates our ascension by signalling to ego to step aside and let soul lead the way.
Art by Jaquamarine

Ascension is an expansive, energetic evolution happening to humanity as part of a dimensional shift taking place across the universe. It is happening due to extreme solar light pouring in from the centre of the galaxy and infiltrating all life on Earth through cellular and nervous system upgrades and elevating humanity’s consciousness.

Ascension is a transformative process governed by the soul bringing growth and healing progression by exposing and releasing any layers of heaviness or burden that hinder the soul’s true light.

Ascension, or soul healing, happens on a spiral path that integrates and evolves our vessel by releasing any disintegrated aspects that prevent soul realisation.  It is divinely timed and guided and will safely lead you through gentle cycles of healing and release toward soul actualisation or enlightenment.  There are no mistakes, you can’t do it wrong, your progress is guaranteed!

The spiral is a representation of the galaxy. It’s an ancient symbol of evolution, evoking cycles and seasons of life, that represent growth and change as we ascend to higher octaves at each turn, but never return to the same place.

The spiral path is a uniquely manifested ascent to embody our higher self.  It will take us through layers of resistance to retrieve the gnosis that releases pain, brings renewal, mastery of self and the wonderful rewards that come from living authentically.

Ascension peels away pain and distortion that has held us back, peeling back a bit at a time, like the many layers of an onion.  It is not a one-and-done fix, but a gentle and gradual progression that brings in the light and reveals where we are separated from our God aspect or highest good.

The solar activations are bringing heart expansion, heightened gifts and upgrades to our physical vessel that will eventually reveal our new, evolved light body.  None of us know where the ascension story is heading, but there is a whole load of manufactured distraction keeping the collective from healing and evolving right now.

Ascension is a spiral path that is evolving humanity toward higher consciousness

Your role is to enlighten your soul’s burden by shrugging off the heaviness that blocks its true light. Align with the assignment, we are all going through a unique iteration of transformation and what we do for ourselves is of benefit to the entire collective.

Ascension is about getting real, stepping onto the destined path and letting the soul lead the way.  When we ignore our soul’s messages we can get thrown into anxiety, a feedback loop that keeps us stuck until we acknowledge the need to recalibrate. 

We are all free to choose. Many will stay in their ego and resist their soul’s calling, but the intensity of the light upgrades and the urge to restore balance will become too great as consciousness lifts us to higher realms, no matter what distractions are deployed to stop it, it is exponential.


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