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Anger can be  a positive emotion
Art by Jaquamarine

Anger is a tricky emotion that triggers others and creates ripples. It’s your responsibility to manage your anger, as bypassing or burying it will not only hurt you, but over time repressed anger can damage the body if there is no outlet to express it.

Anger highlights any pain or imbalances within.  A rise in anger invites us to recalibrate our perceptions and reset any boundaries that may have been crossed. Let anger awaken your heart, not shut it down.

Don’t personalise the anger you feel. Learn to express it healthily

When expressed, a healthy display of anger can bring resolution or dramatically shift us from the heavier emotions of shame, guilt, apathy, fear or pain. Unexpressed anger keeps us stuck in dense lower energies and feels toxic in the body, ready to boil over whenever we are stressed or overwrought.

Consciousness is no longer able to sustain itself in low frequency as it is expanding, going higher and taking humanity along for the ride. We can no longer push down pain or suffering and run old narratives that keep us functioning at low frequency.  It’s foolish to align to narratives or social justice issues as an outlet to express our anger, as it will only create karma because when we align to beliefs we don't understand, we create suffering.

We have been taught anger is a bad thing and to suppress any strong emotions, but anger needs release and will implode or explode eventually, there is no ignoring it.  Don’t personalise anger or seek to label or recollect where you originally felt it. It’s not helpful to attach to a story as it creates suffering. Just accept, acknowledge and let it go! 

Express anger, not in an aggressive or hostile way by being hateful or vengeful to others, as that energy will boomerang back onto you. Express it healthily through movement, stretching, ranting, having a good cry, ripping up paper, screaming out loud, doing pushups, going for a run or whacking a cushion.

Anything you do to release pent-up anger will release emotional overwhelm in your body. Anger is better out than in!  When anger is released from your system, your mood and vibration will elevate and you'll feel much lighter.


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