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Set the tone each day. Daily practice
Art by Jaquamarine

Set the tone each day to anchor into neutrality.

Before I wake each day, I keep my eyes firmly shut whilst in the hypnopompic state, a state of consciousness that falls between dreaming and wakefulness. In this deeply relaxed state, I pray, mentally talk to my body to bring in balance, clearing, protection and shielding, give thanks and entrain my brain to set my mood and focus for the day. By doing this for as little as five minutes before the delta state kicks in, I can set up my vibration and am more likely to hold it throughout the day through this simple hack.

Neuroplasticity is a process where the brain reorganises and rewires its structure and function through repatterning. I talk about Neurobics in another blog post, and how through practice, we can stimulate and sharpen our neural function and increase conscious awareness. I won't profess to know how it works, it just does! I've noticed how this mini ritual sets me up for an even, productive day when I discipline myself to do it. I'm more focussed when I maintain neutrality - the quantum portal of expanded consciousness.

When we elevate in consciousness, we still need to put in the effort to maintain an optimal frequency. When we cannot hold the frequency of the zero point, it's all too easy to dip down into lower frequencies and get battered around by external factors that siphon our energy and trigger emotions. It can be a struggle to get back up to neutrality when this happens.

If you ever dip down in frequency, there is likely to be a reason for it or a lesson needs to be revisited. We can lose our peace of mind when in lower frequency energy but it's all part of the awakening experience until you can master the energetics and anchor in to neutrality.

When we reset our mind to operate from zero point energy, we are in truth, harmony and flow, and less likely to get sick or stressed. Neutrality is our true state, and once we can maintain it, we naturally gravitate to the higher conscious frequencies of love, joy, peace and enlightenment.

As part of daily practice, learn to live from the inside out! A disciplined approach not only rewires our brain, it can boost consciousness exponentially and promote peace, wellness, happiness and joy!

Below are some things you can do to keep your vibration at the optimal level:

  • Stay present

  • Watch your self talk

  • Keep your own counsel

  • Process your emotions without judgment

  • Avoid feeding into the news - it feeds off you!

  • Clap, move or dance if you feel your frequency slipping

  • Identify feelings, notice sensations and validate how you are feeling

  • Don't be polarised by reacting to externals. If you are triggered, ensure you respond from an inner state of purity and wisdom

  • Show compassion to others who lack the tools to be neutral

  • Conserve your energy, slow down and rest

Spiritual awakening happens in steps and stages and involves peeling back layers of programming that dull the soul's mirror. Some days you will react to the internal process and struggle with all of it, from purging or dips in your mood that can drag you down and back into looping or overthinking.

It is perfectly normal to alternate or regress frequencies, so this is why anchoring in the neutral frequency is optimal practice. Anyone can do this but it takes a bit of discipline to stay there, but once find that peace of mind, you'll never want to be a slave to your emotions again.


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