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Allowing is an art that requires us to stay open in trust and patience to bring in flow and a vibrational match to our desires through non-action.
Art by Jaquamarine

Allowing is an art that requires us to stay open in trust and patience to bring in flow and a vibrational match to our desires through non-action.

When we allow things to unfold as they are meant, we open up extra bandwidth for consciousness to permeate within our body, which enacts feeling and aliveness within, creating flow. 

We are either open or closed, reacting, responding.  Many people are clenched up and in resistance energetically, but through the simple act of allowing, we can release built-up tension and feel energetic liberation. 

Allowing is being open to what may happen, in flow to potential 

Take 2-3 breaths and feel into your body.  Do you meet any resistance?  Now breathe again, and this time allow consciousness to flow to all areas and push away any internal resistance.  Did you feel a subtle change?  Allowing can make all the difference.

Allowing is a similar energy to acceptance, trust and receptivity. When we allow, we are open and can release any resistance or judgment as to what may happen.

By allowing something to be, or show up when it is meant to, we expand our consciousness, release old patterning and programming, and create space for change and healing to occur. In contrast, when we are closed, we suppress ourselves, stymy potential and impede awareness.  

Allowing helps us to feel our emotions fully and can open us to new ideas and higher perspectives.


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