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Orchid pattern
Art by Jaquamarine

Accountability lets us take ownership of our words and behaviour and plays a key role in our spiritual growth. When we lead by emotions, we can easily create drama, or give our power away if we are not accountable for our mood and impulses.

Every thought, word, and action has an impact on the world around us.  Once we’re aware of the implications, we take responsibility for our signal and what we emit into the world.

When we are accountable for our actions we no longer create negative karma.

Personal accountability requires being honest and truthful, even when it’s difficult. We need to be willing to learn from our mistakes and make the required changes. When we are accountable, we are intentional about our conduct and can make positive choices in alignment with our values and the greater good.

Take stock of how you impact others and seek to neutralise your interactions. By regularly taking account, you'll quickly see improvements in your energy and invite more goodness in for yourself. 

Accountability is a foundational requirement of spiritual work as it allows us to know ourselves, learn from our mistakes, make amends and create positive changes. When we’re accountable, we have more control, respond instead of react and develop awareness.

When we are accountable we gain power over our destiny, as we are no longer at the mercy of unconscious habits and patterns.


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