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AZ Awakening Map, my new book on Amazon  and Apple Books
Art by Jaquamarine

A-Z Awakening Map

Awakening to the lies, confusion and fakery of our 3D world is just an entrée to the Soul's awakening. There’s so much more to learn and experience about awakening and the Soul's alchemical process, now eyes are wide open.

A-Z Awakening Map is driver's manual for the Soul journey, curated from my own awakening which started in 2006, after emigrating to New Zealand, sight unseen.

Like Alice down the rabbit hole, I found myself in a surreal new world of disorder, a parallel universe that required me to follow my soul’s lead and do its bidding.

I began journaling my experience to make sense of what was happening to me, and in the years that followed, accumulated volumes of useful information and guidance around the awakening, ascension and healing process, which I now pass on to others in simple form.

A-Z Awakening Map offers a grounded approach to spiritual subjects and offers practical guidance around self-healing, soul growth and spiritual attainment. There's easy-to-understand knowledge on soul, energy and consciousness, with How-Tos, journal exercises and the divine actions and behaviours that will alchemise you into harmony and balance.

Awakening forces us to suspend judgment of what we once held true. It provides a unique opportunity to get real with ourselves as once awakened, we perceive the world differently, through real eyes.

The content of my book is FREE on this platform

Awakening breaks us out of the illusion, igniting the soul's purpose into healing our pain and suffering, release distorted patterns, trauma, core wounding and detrimental behaviours that have kept us from embodying our light and true selves.

All guidance is free on this platform but now also collated into an eBook and paperback format on Amazon and Apple Books, linked to the buttons below!

It is my intention to pass on my wisdom of the soul journey to help others going through awakening and ascension, I'm here to answer your questions and if you require further support, I offer affordable mentoring and healing guidance.


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