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Old Soul
Art by Jaquamarine

Soul is our true self; a non-physical, non-gendered memory essence, a fractal of the light from Source, that existed long before our body, and in some cases, is ancient and has lived many, many lives before this incarnation. 

The soul, or spirit, is the vehicle animated by consciousness. In life, the soul’s mission is to experience and evolve to fulfil the purpose of Source. Consciousness gives our body life through Soul, the driver of all our behaviours, personality and character.

Soul is the connection to God, the source of love, good and strength that creates life. Soul can be viewed more broadly as the essence of life itself. It is the part of us connected to God and consciousness and is the one light of the one truth. Soul exists in all living things, from plants to animals and humans. The soul, like consciousness, is what gives living things vitality, energy and purpose.

Soul won't let anything distract it from its recognition

The soul is the divine flame, the essence of life created at the moment of conception. If we reject our soul's calling, it remains imprisoned within the ego mind's mental-emotional construct, and the limitations of earthly existence, which cause suffering. In its most basic definition, the soul is often associated with the essence of a human that exists beyond the physical body. Many cultures share beliefs in an afterlife or reincarnation.

The concept of the soul can also be linked to a range of spiritual and religious practices, as well as philosophical and psychological debates. Understanding different cultural views on the soul can provide insight and help us arrive at our understanding of what the soul is. 

Your soul holds the key to your healing and awakening journey, it will guide you to what needs your focus by attracting situations in the external, such as interactions with others that bring up behavioural issues that need to be collapsed, to heal them.  It will become second nature once you synch in with your soul’s whispers or in observance of pattern recognition, yearnings, inner knowing or urges.  Declutter your busy mind to tune in more clearly.  The easiest way to align with the soul is to align to innocence and high-frequency pursuits that bring you joy.        

When we awaken, it is to our soul’s calling.  The soul is pure essence, anything within us that hinders that pure light from shining will come up to be healed and released to bring this about as part of the ascension journey.


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