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Lust is a deviation of sacred life force energy and can be a powerful temptation that objectifies and feeds off disintegrated behaviour and material desires.
Art by Jaquamarine

Lust is an expression of life force, a powerful divine energy we live and breathe each day. This divine sexual energy drives expression, passion and art, creates new life and can transcend the physical world toward spiritual realisation.

Lust is a deviation of this sacred life force energy and can create a powerful temptation that objectifies and feeds off disintegrated behaviour and material desires.

Lust separates us from the soul and oneness by seeking nourishment from the external. It can lead to full-blown demonic possession from succubus and incubus entities, that hook in and siphon life-giving energy.

Lust is a slippery slope to disintegrated behaviour

Lust is one of the primary reasons society is so disintegrated. Its degrading, low-frequency compulsion can destroy people by leading them to sample experiences that go against their nature, taking them down a dangerous, slippery slope of possession, desire and craving that can never satisfy the void within.

Lust weakens relationships by defiling sacred love and distorting connection. It has a seductive hold and insatiable desire for sex, money, possessions and people that cannot ever be fulfilled in the temporal and only lead to unhappiness, limitation and separation.


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