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Flowers pattern
Art by Jaquamarine

Flow is the ideal state of balance and harmony and is felt as transcendence across the spiritual, emotional, physical and mental body, often referred to as being 'in the Zone.’  Everything clicks into alignment when we are immersed in the beautiful flow state of being.

In psychology, flow is the mental state in which a person performing tasks is fully immersed in energised focus and enjoyment. But flow is more than mental; it's energetic, achieved when we are in harmony, in a positive mindset, and without distractions.

Flow is the embodiment of divine consciousness

Flow is a process of involution, where consciousness is deeply involved in creation. If we fill our waking hours with tasks and ‘To-Do' lists, we will never achieve flow as the control aspect blocks it. Control is the antithesis of Flow. When we are in flow, we experience embodiment, satisfaction and joy, as the divine flow of consciousness connects us to our true essence.

Flow is often associated with high levels of performance and creativity.  When we are passionate about an activity, we can immerse ourselves fully into it. Flow is beneficial for both physical and mental health and can help us to perform at our best, be more creative, and get more out of simple tasks.

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