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Fear False Evidence Appearing Real
Art by Jaquamarine

Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real, a negative emotional response triggered by the perception of danger and a survival mechanism that keeps us safe. Fear is an illusion based on nothing but our thoughts and imagination.  Fear isn't something we can clear, it only needs to be understood as it’s a notification from within that keeps us stuck in a loop. We are afraid of perception, but the emotion of fear is real and serves an important purpose in keeping us safe or mobilising us in response.

Fear is an illusion

A lot of fears are created from past experiences where we felt vulnerable or threatened, or from absorbing the strong reaction of others. Our minds are good at conjuring up scenarios that aren't based in reality, making us perceive danger when it isn't present. But fears, although not real, can be incredibly debilitating and lead to phobias and other mental health issues.

When we are afraid, our bodies release hormones that can cause us to feel anxious, stressed or panicked. These hormones prepare us to fight, fawn or flee from danger, and can cause several physical changes, such as increased heart rate, sweating or muscle tension. The soul wants us to confront our fears so we can vanquish them.  Focus on the internal, not the external, and solve the puzzle with your emotions, which are closely linked to vibrations.

Most fears are irrational but can be overcome by facing them; for example, your fear of spiders may not be your fear, but something you picked up from another as a strong reaction that created an irrational response.

You can rationalise fear by figuring out where it originated from. When you begin to investigate the origins of your stories you may find many of your fears will burst like bubbles and no longer be bothersome when confronted head-on!

  • Identify your fears and beliefs. The first step to overcoming fear is to identify what you are afraid of. Once you know what your fears are, you can start to work on overcoming them.

  • Once you have identified your fears, it is important to challenge them. Ask yourself if your fear is based on reality. Are you really in danger? Is it likely that the thing you are afraid of will happen?

  • The best way to overcome fear is to face it head-on. This does not mean that you have to do something that you are terrified of, but you can gradually expose yourself to your fears in a safe and controlled environment.

  • If you are struggling to cope with fear, it is important to seek the help of a professional. A therapist can help you to understand your fears and to develop strategies for coping with them.

  • Fear is a normal human emotion. It is not something to be ashamed of. However, if fear is interfering with your life, it is important to seek help.


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