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Body - we have to feel it to heal it
Photo by Jaquamarine

Body is a temple, a sacred vessel that provides a temporal experience for the eternal soul. Ascension and awakening is a journey of the soul but the body plays a prominent role in our growth and transformation through deep changes taking place at the cellular level.

The body keeps count by storing data from this, and previous incarnations or timelines. It has a vast superior intelligence and ability we are not fully aware of, that connects energetically with the sun and star systems and deep roots into ancient earth. 

We can heal our pain from simple acknowledgment alone. The body is full of stories, stored as stuck energy as the healing loop never closed fully. We can feel our pain and send it love and forgiveness, which can close the cycle and bring release.

As we age, we become aware of unexpressed emotions stored as strange lumps, bumps or pockets in our vessel, that can lead to health issues or joint pain if the energy remains stuck. A repeat stabbing pain or an old knee injury could connect to a past life aspect that requires closure.

We all possess deep wounding that requires we go several rounds with our shadow and karmic past to heal. The body retains all memories within the felt senses but we can heal it from a higher level and possess the ability to release our pain burden and live a joyful, pain-free life.

We must feel to heal

Take care of your body, maintain it, be aware of any changes and tune in to what it is telling you.  If you feel tired, ensure to rest. Self-care reflects outwardly in physical form as the inner self living in harmony.

So many of us are disembodied and living from the neck upwards due to a culture obsessed with beauty, mind and intellect. It can feel very distressing to be in the body if there is traumatic imprinting or chronic pain creating distortion or interference in our system that stops us from being present.

Living from the head is a symptom of a dysregulated nervous system. If we are living in fear we have no capacity as our body is in shutdown mode. It's imperative to develop the capacity and safety to feel sensations within the body, but for most people living in pain, it can feel overwhelming and easier to dissociate than feel.

For people living with trauma, there is an awareness of being hijacked at any moment.  It’s important to feel safe and avoid people or places that will trigger us or cause overwhelm. Find that safety and learn to feel the pain and grow tolerance a little bit at a time.  When we lean into our pain, it can feel overwhelming and uncomfortable, but eventually, the pain will lessen if we can find tolerance, stay present and feel body sensations to bring relief.

Everyone is likely to be feeling some symptoms from the increased solar flare activity and geomagnetic storms streaming onto the planet from the solar maximum event. It’s creating body sensations such as aches, pains, migraines, bloating, changes in vision, extreme fatigue, heart palpitations, overheating and a host of strange symptoms being felt from the DNA and light upgrades that are evolving our 3D carbon-based body to its ascended 5D crystalline form.

Spiritual upgrades and deep changes on the cellular level require us to take more rest and strive for balance, to be centred, grounded and present at this time. Our body requires care and respect, nourishment, hydration, connection, movement and rest to function optimally in this physical existence.

Learn to live an embodied and present life. Many beneficial healing modalities encompass movement, diet, stretch, dance, massage, tapping, fascia therapy and breath work that will optimise well-being and help release stuck energy to assist healing and bring fluidity, balance, harmony and alignment.  The more you can do to align your body to your mind and soul in harmony and balance, the easier the ascension process will be for you.

If you are worried about any symptoms in your body, always seek the opinion of a doctor.


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