jaquamarineENERGY & CONSCIOUSNESSUNDERSTANDING POLARITY Don’t play sides of the coin and get caught up in duality as it keeps you stuck.
jaquamarineMINDTHE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS WITHINThe Kingdom of Heaven is within. It is a state of being; inner union, wholeness, peace, harmony and interconnectedness
jaquamarineMINDKARMIC LAWSKarma is a result of actions driven by intentions, the cycle of cause and effect, not so much punishment and reward, as many believe.
jaquamarineSOULPATIENCEPatience is the ability to endure a void and to allow things to happen in their own sweet time without interference or becoming frustrated.
jaquamarineMINDIMPLANTED BELIEFS & FALSE NARRATIVESImplanted beliefs are a tool routinely deployed by our dear leaders, with the sole intention of disconnecting us from our truth.