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The Ouroboros embodies transformation and rebirth

Mining Pluto is a free guide for awakening, curated from 18 years of notes and useful tips from my own awakening adventure, which was sparked when I emigrated from London to

New Zealand in 2006.


Shifting to the other side of the world, sight unseen, threw me instantly into

soul-shock. Unbeknown, I had moved smack-bang onto my astrological Pluto Line, its energetic hum throbbed discord from the day I arrived and left me feeling displaced and ungrounded in my new environment.  I was Alice down the rabbit hole, dwelling in a surreal universe, struggling to make sense of my life and how to fit in as my old identity instantly evaporated when I departed the Heathrow portal.  


Pluto awakens and transforms everything it touches; from ego, identity, structures and life direction. Pluto is the Lord of Mining, drilling deep to the core to bring back treasures, gifts and transformation. A Pluto transit is the longest in an astrological cycle, but once he is done with you, we come out stronger, wiser, enriched and enlightened from the experience.  


To understand the full-on nature of Pluto, look at its recent transit in Capricorn, from the banking crash in 2008 onwards. Reflect how the curtain has been pulled back on corrupt power and institutions.  There has been a wholesale dismantling of anything and everything that is self-serving or inauthentic, consciousness is done with low frequency as it's holding back our evolution for the benefit of the greedy few. Pluto’s move into Aquarius will see an exacerbation of the breakdown of power and governance, it has set us up for revolution and evolutionary change in the years to come. 


When life gives us lemons, learn to make lemonade.  When my new life gave me Pluto, I learned to mine it for gold and honour my soul's whispers. For the last seventeen years Pluto has aspected several life-changing events for me.  Living on a pluto line and going through several harsh transits broke me open, tore away my masks and course-corrected me. I have healed my core wounds, karma and lifelong hyper-vigilance from an early life NDE, and have released everything that didn’t serve me and found inner peace, harmony and flow . At the tail end of Pluto's cycle, I'm anti-fragile and have attained

mastery of self through the alchemy of soul fire. 


As an avid journaller, I've noted down many useful snippets from my healing journey which I pass on as simple teachings, many of which contain keys and codes for healing and ascension, there are some important caveats to take note of too.  It is my soul mission to pass on these simple teachings to support and assist others going through the collective awakening and and soul rebirth.  

Change happens through us, not to us. We all play a part in this evolution, don't resist doing the work, it will only prolong your journey, as I found out. 


I created this blog to distinguish awakening and ascension from the false light teachings of new cage spirituality, much of which originates from Lucifarian concepts designed to lead you astray from the true path and capture the soul!  As a rule of thumb, reliance on anything outside of you is false light, All That Is and all the answers you need are within you.  This is the timeline we alchemise our pain and suffering to return to the Universal frequency of love, our natural resonance that has been corrupted by 3D earth. There is no need for gurus or gimmicks to heal and awaken, it is about you and your soul only. 


I offer mentoring and healing guidance through my sacred gift as an Illuminator, a soul speciality that brings light to unconscious aspects in others. I also utilise astrology, deliverance and shamanic techniques to clear negative thought patterns and trauma.  If you are curious to know more about self-healing or interested in working with me, I would love to support your journey!  


Awakening Guidance Blog
Pull back the curtain to heal your soul



After battling PTSD and C-PTSD for years, and after hundreds of hours of talk therapy and counselling that did nothing but re-traumatise and exhaust me, I found Jacqui


The tools you gave me have been amazingly helpful.  

I see things a lot more clearly now, like that song! 

The MOST amazing thing is since our session, I have reconnected with my husband after being on the verge of parting. I feel a lot happier than I have ever felt within myself.


Jacqui is a gifted healer whose intelligence and deep knowledge blends perfectly with her naturally intuitive gifts.

She has helped me with breakthroughs I never thought possible! 

Working with her will change your life - for the better!


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